Cultivating Success: Tips for Leaders On How to Prepare for a Career in Cannabis

Vangst/Jul 17, 2023

hero-graphic-Cultivating Success: Tips for Leaders On How to Prepare for a Career in Cannabis
Photo Credit: Edmond Dantès via Unslpash

The cannabis industry is experiencing rapid growth, attracting high-level executives, leaders, and entrepreneurs seeking new challenges and opportunities. With its diverse range of roles and the potential for professional growth, cannabis is an exciting industry for professionals from various backgrounds. At Vangst, we are committed to providing the best advice for professionals interested in entering the cannabis industry. Today, we'll share expert insights from our industry professionals and recruiters on how leaders can prepare for their careers in cannabis.

Vanessa Ortega – Senior Recruiter

  • Research: To succeed in the cannabis industry, dedicate time to thoroughly researching its dynamics, regulations, and challenges. Understanding the market landscape and staying informed will position you as a knowledgeable leader.
  • Transferable Skills: Identify experiences and abilities from your previous industry that can be valuable in the cannabis sector. Highlight your strategic thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills to showcase how you can bring value to the industry.
  • Network: Build a strategic network by connecting with professionals experienced in the cannabis industry. Attend industry conferences, join professional associations, and leverage online platforms like to connect with experts and cannabis-specific recruiters who can provide industry insights and expand your network.
  • Find a Mentor: Seek guidance from a mentor who has successfully transitioned into the cannabis industry or is a respected leader in the field. Their experiences and advice can offer valuable insights, help you avoid common pitfalls, and accelerate your learning curve.
  • Embrace Learning: Adopt a mindset of continuous learning as you enter a new industry. Be open-minded, receptive to new ideas and perspectives, and explore opportunities for professional development such as workshops or relevant courses to enhance your knowledge and skills specific to the cannabis industry.
  • Be Patient & Persistent: Recognize that entering a new industry takes time and persistence. Be prepared to face setbacks and challenges, but stay focused on your long-term goals. Building your reputation and credibility within the cannabis industry requires dedication and perseverance.

Jonte Major – Senior Recruiter

  • Build your industry network: Attend cannabis conferences, trade shows, and networking events to connect with industry professionals. Join local industry associations and participate in online communities to learn from experienced individuals and stay updated on the latest happenings. Expand your LinkedIn network by connecting with professionals in various cannabis positions.
  • Stay adaptable and wear many hats: Embrace change as a constant in the ever-evolving cannabis industry. Be ready to pivot your strategies and operations based on evolving regulations and market conditions. Embrace the opportunity to step into roles that may not be part of your original job description. Humility and flexibility are key to success in cannabis leadership roles.

Dena Gellman – Enterprise Account Director

  • Educate Yourself: Invest time in learning about the cannabis industry, including its regulations, market trends, and unique challenges. Stay updated with industry news, attend conferences, and participate in relevant webinars or workshops.
  • Network: Build connections within the cannabis industry by networking with professionals already working in the field. Attend industry events, join online communities, and engage in conversations with industry insiders to gain valuable insights and expand your network.
  • Research Legalities: Understand the legal landscape of cannabis in your target region. Familiarize yourself with local and federal laws, licensing requirements, and compliance standards to ensure you operate within the legal framework.
  • Identify Transferable Skills: Assess your existing skill set and identify transferable skills that can be valuable in the cannabis industry. Leadership, strategic planning, marketing, finance, regulatory compliance, and project management are examples of skills that can be applicable across various industries, including cannabis.
  • Seek Specialized Training: Consider pursuing specialized training or certifications in cannabis-related areas such as cultivation techniques, cannabis law, quality control, or retail operations. This can help enhance your knowledge and credibility within the industry.
  • Leverage Existing Experience: Highlight relevant experiences from your previous roles that align with the needs of the cannabis industry. Emphasize transferable skills, such as managing complex projects, working in regulated environments, or leading diverse teams.
  • Show Passion and Commitment: Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm and a deep understanding of the cannabis industry can set you apart. Stay informed about industry trends, demonstrate a commitment to responsible and ethical cannabis practices, and convey your passion for making a positive impact in the field.

Proud to Work in Cannabis

At Vangst, we embody the spirit of being "Proud to Work in Cannabis." We aim to be your ultimate resource on your journey into and throughout the cannabis industry. If you're interested in refining your cannabis industry skills, check out our live trainings at To explore job opportunities, create a profile at and browse open roles of all levels across the United States and remote locations. Let Vangst be your partner in unlocking the exciting possibilities of a career in cannabis.

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